นัท AF4

หน้าแรก / Instagram @natsakdatorn / รูปของ นัท AF4

นัท AF4

ณัฐ ศักดาทร


อินสตาแกรมของ นัท AF4






| ณัฐ ศักดาทร | actor + singer + runner for work: 092-629-2644 #ASICSth #ฉันเห็น #รองเท้านารี #วุ่นรักนักข่าว #ลวงฆ่าล่ารัก #LetsEat #FriendZone2

@natsakdatorn : If you hate or dislike someone but still follow them or try to say mean things to them, you're only gonna torture yourself by constantly feeding the negative thoughts and feelings you have towards them. That negativity will grow, consume, and define you. Is that really what you want for yourself? . You don't have to like someone you don't like or may never like, but at least be kinder to yourself. You can choose not to feed the negative. You can choose not to become someone you may not be proud of. Save yourself. . #throwback #attitudethailand 📷 by @amornphotography